About Us
The 30% Solar and Battery Tax Credits are still available and they are NOT going away!!! They are NOT on hold, either. The RMP Wattsmart ($4,800 rebate for each battery you purchase) is available, also.
RMP rates have gone up 18% and will go up at least another 6-10% in 2026.
We can install a low cost Microgrid (A smart system consisting of solar and batteries) that takes you off the RMP power grid. This is called ''islanding''
In addition to the 30% ITC rebate, you will receive a $4,800 rebate for each battery you install. Your payback will be quick because of the low cost of the Microgrid, rebates, power sales, ongoing RMP rate increases,
We guarantee you will have no or a very small RMP power bill. Call us now for a few analysis and proposal.
We also install Microgrids at Businesses, Apartment Complexes, and Nonprofits facilities. Commercial is our specialty. We can eliminate most of your DEMAND charges and considerably lower your power bill a with a payback that fits your financial metrics.
We also have a sole source device for Apartment complexes that provides solar to each unit and lets you charge what you wish for that power. You become your complexes power company and make the money not RMP.

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