New Patient Discount
Do you suffer from back pain? At Willow Creek Chiropractic, we provide a variety of services to help you get back to living your life without pain and dysfunction. From personalized chiropractic care to advanced therapies and wellness solutions, we're here to help you feel and function at your best.
$40 Consultation, Exam, X-Rays, & Report of Findings
Custom Orthotics
3 out of 4 people over-pronate, where their feet roll too far in with each step. Over-pronation doesn't hurt, but it can cause pain in other parts of your body, like the back. Foot Leveler Orthotics are proven to reduce lower back pain by 34.5%, provide exclusive 3-arch support. improve quality of life, help reduce pain and increase comfort level, and provide a balanced, symmetrical foundation. Call for more information and to receive $25 off your first set of custom Foot Leveler Orthotics.
$25 off First Set of Custom Orthotics
FREE Foot Scan
Each segment of your body is connected for healthy movement. This interrelated system is called the Kinetic Chain. As the foundation of your body, the foot's three arches are the first link in the Kinetic Chain. When they don't support you properly, the other points of the chain, like the knees, hips, and back are affected. Schedule a FREE foot scan to see if you're arches are properly supporting your Kinetic Chain.
Are your arches properly supporting you?
New Customer Discount
We are always looking for customers who want the best plumbers in town, call us and receive 10% off!